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Ash Village Hall, Queen's Road,
Ash, Canterbury, Kent , CT3 2BG
what3words: star.hexes.villager

Affiliated to the RHS and The National Vegetable Society (NVS)

Ash Village Hall, Queen's Road,
Ash, Canterbury, Kent , CT3 2BG
what3words: star.hexes.villager

Affiliated to the RHS and
The National Vegetable Society (NVS)

A Brief History Of Ralph Stanley Jutsum And Life In Ash, Kent

Ralph was always known as Stanley or Stan.  He was born on the 29th of July 1889, in West Ham, which was then in Essex.  Some records state that he was born in Hampstead.  By 1901 he was living in Wood Green, Middlesex and decided to train as a butcher.  After working in London, he decided to move to Eastbourne, Sussex, where he obtained a job in a butcher’s shop in South Street.  Although he decided that he wanted to live in Eastbourne if, and when, he could, Stan wanted to see the world before he settled down.  He emigrated to Canada in 1911.  On 20/04/1913,...

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May 2024

Well, we have certainly had enough high wind and heavy rain lately. However, my two climbing roses, Canary Bird and Banksia Lutea, both with lovely creamy yellow flowers, and ideal for north-facing walls, are a joy to see at the moment in spite of this. After the blossoms of early Spring have faded, now is the time to prune shrubs. Take out one or two old stems from Forsythia, Wigelia and Spirea, pruning back to a nice compact shape. Clip back ivy that is growing too high and thickly on fences, walls, and sheds. Keep it clear of gutters which can be cleared of moss and debris at the...

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