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Ash Village Hall, Queen's Road,
Ash, Canterbury, Kent , CT3 2BG
what3words: star.hexes.villager

Affiliated to the RHS and The National Vegetable Society (NVS)

Ash Village Hall, Queen's Road,
Ash, Canterbury, Kent , CT3 2BG
what3words: star.hexes.villager

Affiliated to the RHS and
The National Vegetable Society (NVS)

Compost Choices

Our Meeting in February will be focused on ‘Compost Comparisons’ We plan to buy about one dozen different compost brands (peat free & peat reduced) and display them at the meeting; then to discuss the relative merits of each one. Together with the benefits of using them together in a mix with other ingredients. We also shall have some topical tips and to (try to ) answer any garden questions you may have!

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Darren Everest – Sweet Peas

Chelsea gold medal winner 2024, Darren exhibits sweet peas and dahlias. Seeds and plants for sale. Some from Darren on his recent Sweet pea growing history : 2022 was a mixed bag. My indoor plants thrived and my practice run for a future Chelsea appearance was a huge success. My seed beds providing a fantastic harvest. However, my cordon grown plants were a disaster, a mixture of late frost, late planting conditions due to wet/cold ground and then two rabbits and wood pigeons nibbling through what they could find. Although many recovered it was too late to be of any use. So onwards and...

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